


Successful Kick-Off-Meeting

On March 9th, 2020, the EMotion-Kick-Off-Meeting was held at the premises of KTM E-Technologies GmbH in Anif/Salzburg/Austria. The meeting was the first face-to-face meeting of all 11 partners (10 from Austria and 1 from Germany). During the meeting a basis for the successfull execution of the project was set.

2nd Consortium Meeting
On September 22nd, 2020, the 2nd Consortium Meeting of the EMotion project took place. Due to COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions regarding person numbers, the meeting was moved to the virtual world and was held online. A lot of good progress of all partners was presented during this meeting. So the EMotion project is on a really successfull path to two demonstrators to be finished at the end of 2021.
3rd Consortium Meeting
On February 23rd, 2021, the 3rd Consortium Meeting of EMotion was held. Again, the meeting was held online, because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The project is now at the end of its first year and a lot of effort and work has been put into reaching the goals planned. A lot of progress regarding the mechanical and electrical as well as the HMI development was made and the project is currently on track, despite the difficulties coming with COVID-19.